Nestled amidst the beauty of Santa Margherita Ligure, Villa Durazzo is a gem from the Genovese Seicento, surrounded by a lush park that offers a captivating spectacle over the Gulf of Tigullio. This sumptuous residence, a custodian of the arts and magnificence of the Genovese Seicento, sits on a hill overlooking the gulf and the picturesque city of Santa Margherita Ligure, opening up amidst palms and pines just a short distance from Portofino.
Captivated by the magic of Liguria, Cristiano and Marta brought their dream to life with their wedding at Villa Durazzo. The residence proved to be ideal for celebrating the most significant day of their lives, having spent unforgettable weekends between Portofino and Santa Margherita Ligure. Their enchanting wedding in this extraordinary setting is a vibrant tale of their love story.
A destination wedding in Liguria thus becomes a unique experience, a tribute to the beauty of the region. The timeless atmosphere of this location captures the essence of love and celebration, weaving indelible memories into the tapestry of Portofino’s park.
As a Portofino wedding photographer, capturing the essence of such moments in Villa Durazzo is a privilege. The villa’s historical charm and stunning vistas make it a perfect venue for Liguria wedding photography, creating unforgettable memories that couples will cherish forever.